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Private Equity and IPO’s


As a business grows there is a need for free cash flow to purse objectives and identified opportunities. Capital can be raised in the form of Debt or Equity both of which have their own pros and cons.


We work with professional organisations in our network who can assist our clients with their strategic, deals and portfolio management issues covering Management advice, fundraising (tax structuring), portfolio management, realising value, investments and deals. 


We help connecting you with Private Investors, Venture Capitalists or simply organise bank finance after discussing the merits of all available options and risks with your management.


If the decision is taken to go public, it is usually one of the most important and challenging decisions in a company’s history and expert direction and assistance is required at each stage for completion of a successful IPO. Many accounting and financial reporting disclosure issues are required to be addressed including matters related to financial statements, taxation, compensation and complex technical accounting areas. 


Our team has a broad range of skills, comprising experienced PE & IPO advisers from corporate finance, legal, transaction, commercial due diligence and tax who assist our clients in different life cycles of their business. Contact us for more information.

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